

How I Came To Love Being Trampled PART II: submitted by Clarence


TITLE: “How I Came To Love Being Trampled” PART II
FETISH ADVOCATE: Clarence aka TrampledDate
Submitted: Several days later...

F13tch: Well, its been a few days since Clarence's first submission to The Fetish Advocate now and I am enjoying our IM chats so far.

Clarence is a die hard trample lover. In one IM he expressed how being trampled is somewhat therapeutic at times.

Without going into his personal details, I will say that what I learned from him was that for him trampling offers a comfort which stems from knowing one is surrendering complete control of his will and his body while at the same time expending a great deal of trust to another person.

If this is difficult for you to wrap your head around, just imagine the great deal of accessibility into our personal bubbles, our comfort zones and ultimately our confidence we surrender when we go to a chiropractor, and for ladies, how about the trust and confidence you bestow to your gynecologist?

These may seem like odd choices for an anology to foot fetish and trample, but I feel one must bestow upon their partner the same vote of confidence and establish a similar bond of trust.

Another thing about Clarence that I learned is that he is completely 100% a trample-holic! LOL. I don't say that in a negative sense. He simply loves being trampled and he is always seeking new trample adventures and for new ways of getting beautiful women to trample him.

To conclude his two part story and share all, I will now turn our attention to part two of "How I Came to Love Being Trampled"....

Now The Reactions Of The Women When Asked To Trample Me

Clarence: Here is a sample of some of the reactions and comments I get from women when I ask them to trample me.

Most of the responses are mean, but they just don’t understand the fun they could have doing this.

And to this very day I still get some weird and mean comments… Here are some examples of frequent responses…My question to the women:

[A typical approach during an IM session]

“Hey there beautiful how are you doing? I’m good here on my side, and was just going through some profiles and seen you was online and had a question. I was wondering if you would be interested in walking on me in high heels???”Common Replies from the women:

“Are you F*$kin serious?? [Shocked]

That is the craziest shit I have ever heard of…” [Disturbed]

“No! Get lost you fucking weirdo!!!” [Dismissive]

“Well wouldn’t that hurt???” [Passive Curious yet pensive]

“You wouldn’t want me to walk on you, I would kill you…” [Passive-Aggressive]

“Don’t send me a message anymore you are fucking psycho!!!” [Pissed off]

Those were some of the things women women have said. I mean, yeah, it sucks that women are mean about this type of fetish but to me they are only mean for one reason… it’s a fetish that most people in general don’t understand.

I say it to this very day I still don’t even understand why I like it ???

But all I know is I like it for some reason that is unknown and I have lots of fun having it done… …

You don’t know what you’re missing until you try it. So if you are approached with the idea of trample, try it at least once.

Because you cant judge something you don’t know anything about or understand. Trust me, you will have fun…Breaking The Ice About TrampleNow its always hard no matter the situation on getting someone to trample you, unless you already know the person or the other person is already into trample.

As for myself, I am often led no other option than trickery. I may trick a woman I already know into trampling me by telling her that I needed my back cracked and have her walk on me that way.

I once used this excuse on my friend [ Issa ]. I really wanted her to walk on my chest so I thought of telling her to excuse for then I wanted her to walk on the front of my body and didn’t know how to get her to…

So I asked her to walk on my chest cause I it was tight and needed to pop, I mean how lame was that right???

But she went for it and sure enough she made my chest pop, but then I wanted more, I told her to walk further down my body and she did and step right on my penis and I was like OH MY GOD YES!!!

So I was getting hard over this and she kept walking on me and then at the waist line of my pants my cock started to pop out and it freaked her out and she left quick… So it took me a lot of texting to her that it was okay and that I like it and I would really like for her to do it more so she came over again a tried it again…

I asked her if I could unbutton my pants and just have you stomp on my penis and she said okay… so I pulled it out and she stomped the hell out of my cock…

She would use one foot to push my nuts up and take the other foot and smash my nuts, yes it hurt but it was a great hurt…

So we did this about once or twice a week, we did it so much that my dick was raw some times and bleed so she go into it so much I didn’t have to ask no more and she would ask me if she could do it cause it was fun and to took stress of her…

So I would never say no, no matter how bruised or bloody my cock was… And as long as I live I will always want to be trampled… and that’s my story…

[End Quote]


How I Came To Love Being Trampled PART I: submitted by Clarence


TITLE: “How I Came To Love Being Trampled”
FETISH ADVOCATE: Clarence aka Trampled
Date Submitted: September 30, 2008

F13tch: I was working on building my Ass Worship page today when one of my Myspace friends IM’ed me for the first time.

After a good conversation about our shared interest in foot fetish and being trampled by beautiful women I asked him if he would like to help me spread awareness about how guys like us come to love being trampled.

After he shared his story with me I really was excited to share it with all of our fellow fetish advocates on my site. Clarence was happy to oblige and I am sure you’ll find his personal experience informative and entertaining.

Thanks Clarence for your story. Ok, I will now turn your attention to Clarence’s story:

[Begin Quote]

Clarence wrote: “…Well it all started when I was in the 7th grade so that would put me at the age of 12 or 13. And I was seeing this girl I will simply refer to here as “Linda”.

We would play games such as hide and seek together.

So one day while playing a typical game of hide and seek it was my turn to hide, I went into the living room and they had this weird couch.

This couch had a really crazy design. I lifted the couch up and hid under it, while I was under the couch I could see everything in the living room because being under this couch was like being inside of a cage.

So it sat up off the ground about 12 inches and had this whickered mesh stuff that I could see through.

Anyway, when I was done counting she came a hunting!

She was looking for me for a long time and I could tell she was getting mad.
So I would make little sounds to make her stay in the living room but she still couldn’t find me, heh, heh.

So as she went to walk out of the living room, I made a soft whistle noise and she turned around and walked over towards the couch. She lifted the pillows, and thought I was under them.
Well she didn’t find me under there, so she stepped up on the couch to look behind it!
And that’s when it happened! To my surprise I was trapped beneath this couch being trampled by Linda!

This couch was pretty much pillows and springs so not much to keep her weight from smashing me!!

I began to feel a chill in my body and this horny feeling surge through me because when she stepped up on the couch it was right over my cock, and she smashed my penis and I instantly got hard.

I was like wow I really like that, so I made another noise and she found out that I was under there. I was about to push this couch up and slide out and end the charade but…
as soon as I tried to escape she hurried up and stomped back down on the couch and pushed it back down on me so that I was completely trapped like a rat in a cage!!!!

To my shock, excitement, and growing arousal, she started jumping up and down, and furiously jogging in place on the couch and I mean she wasn’t nice about it at all!
I guess I embarrassed her for hiding to good or something because apparantly now it was my turn to be humiliated!

She jumped on every part of that couch and got me really good!
I was so turned on by that entire experience that I couldn’t get it out of my mind for weeks.
Even though I was bruised pretty bad I loved it.

The cool thing was, whenever I looked at the bruises from her feet stomp prints all over my body or touched them I would immediately be taken back to that moment of being under the couch trampled under her pretty legs and feet!

It was like reliving the experience through a vivid flashback trigger by my own bruises as I would get turned on all over again…


Well for me Trample is hard to explain why it turns me on, because to this very day I still don’t understand everything about it.

I just know when a women comes into a room and I’m laying on the floor and she comes over and puts her foot on my face or on my penis I start getting hard.

Because at that moment I know that I’m about to have this beautiful women full weight standing on my cock and smashing it. Then she would start walking up my body and yes it hurts but not in a bad way, it’s a good hurt.

As she makes her way up your body and places her feet on your face and steps up on your face and you can barely see her face though her toes and all you want to do is stick your tongue out just a bit to taste her foot a little.

It really turns me on when she stands on my face for a long time and its hard to catch your breath because her foot is over your nose and mouth…but if I could take it I would love for her
to stand there all day.

But when she is done, she will walk back down to my cock and smash my penis with her foot and uses the other foot to roll my nuts around and smash them a little.

So I guess where I’m going with this is that I like the feel of being trampled and crushed, and the point of view from laying beneath her, and ultimately the exciting mixture of pleasure and pain that comes with being trampled beneath a beautiful woman.

What turns me on the most about being trampled is the gradual expression of her dominance over me and even a bit of her embracing her own sadistic side as she slowly gets more comfortable with walking and trampling on my willing body.

I like her to feel in control over me, I want her to feel my body relaxed beneath her weight, and it really turns me on as she as she goes wild and loses herself as she takes her stress out on my body with her feet in high heels…”

[END Quotes]

[End of Part One. Part Two Coming Soon…..Stay Tuned…]